Book The Best Mosquito Spray Company Near Me: Top-3 Quality Indicators

Before you hire a mosquito spray company near you in Owings, MD, make sure they meet the following 3 quality criteria:

1.   Guaranteed Results On All Mosquito Spray Services

Why pay a pro for subpar service?

Most spray services take less than 20 minutes to complete, and our barrier treatments provide continuous protection for up to 3-4 weeks, depending on the amount of rain in your area. Best of all, every mosquito spray service is guaranteed—if you’re not satisfied within 20 days of our first treatment, we’ll return to your home or place of business and respray the entire area at no charge.

2.   100% Safe, Non-toxic Mosquito Control Solutions

Our 100% natural, non-toxic mosquito spray gets great results without putting your loved ones at risk, nor causing any harm to beneficial inspectors and pollinators, fruit and vegetable harvests, or the environment.

3.   Pest Control Expertise: Free Mosquito Prevention Tips And Resources

Quality mosquito spray companies should not be stingy when it comes to recommending no-cost solutions—indeed, they should be overflowing with expert advice!

As part of our commitment to protecting Owings residents from nuisance mosquitoes and mosquito-borne pathogens, we’ve published a number of free mosquito control tips on our website.

“I stumbled upon their website, which gave me so much information about mosquito and tick problems I have faced for years in my backyard and garden. Made me feel more comfortable booking my sprays with me,” writes Patrick Tomland in a recent testimonial.

We guarantee great results with integrated mosquito management, but there’s plenty you can do to control mosquito populations and reduce the risk of bites on your own, before you book a spray, including:

  • Installing window screens
  • Wearing long-sleeved, full-bottomed clothing when gardening or spending time outside late in the evening
  • Avoiding perfumes and/or body sprays; switching to milder scents
  • Keeping mosquito fish as pets
  • Replacing bright lights

Consult With A Mosquito Spray Company Near Me In Owings, MD

Call 1-888-248-2284 or request a quote online.


– Mosquitos are Coming is what my technician just called to tell me – thanks for the reminder.  I renewed my annual contract because once you’ve gotten rid of mosquitos you can’t go back!


Marcia, Huntington, MD

Mosquitos Are Coming!

– I love what they are doing! Totally Behind them! If each spray can help other communities and also solve your problems too without any extra cost. What else one can ask for. I have booked them for the entire season. So Excited!!

Moo- Pheun Lu

– I was looking for a Non-Toxic/Natural way to handle the mosquitos and ticks problem as my children and pets are always in the garden, so my friend recommended me to this company, they shared a lot of information and insight and the process was easy to follow.

Laura S. Frater